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Ubuntu Touch ist die berührungsfreundliche mobile Version des beliebten Ubuntu-Betriebssystems. Ursprünglich von Canonical Ltd. entworfen und entwickelt, befindet sich das Projekt jetzt bei der UBports Foundation.

Das Ubuntu-Betriebssystem, auf dem Ubuntu Touch basiert, ist eine der populärsten GNU/Linux-Distributionen der Welt. UBports ist die neue Heimat von Ubuntu Touch und wird die ursprüngliche Mission von Canonical, Konvergenz, weiterführen - die kühne Idee, mobile Computer auf den Desktop und Desktop-Computer auf mobile Geräte zu bringen, die nun von der UBports Foundation entwickelt wird.

Das Ziel der Konvergenz wird es sein, mobile und Desktop-Umgebungen nahtlos zu einem einheitlichen Erlebnis zu verschmelzen. Die UBports Foundation freut sich darauf, die Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch fortzusetzen und die Konvergenz zum Leben zu erwecken.

Ein erstaunliches Team von Codierern, Entwicklern, Testern und Anwendern aus der ganzen Welt arbeitet zusammen, um das Ubuntu Touch-Projekt erfolgreich voranzubringen. Offiziell wird die UBports Foundation die rechtliche Einheit sein, die das Projekt umfasst, aber es ist die Gemeinschaft von Freiwilligen, die Ubuntu Touch zu dem macht, was es heute ist. Wenn es diese Gemeinschaft engagierter Einzelpersonen nicht gäbe, die unzählige Stunden und viele schlaflose Nächte an dem Projekt gearbeitet haben, hätten wir nicht den Traum von Konvergenz und die Ubuntu Touch-Erfahrung, die jeder kennt und liebt. 

Ubuntu Touch hat etwas, was kein anderes mobiles Gerät hat. Konvergenz - Eine Plattform für Telefon, Tablet und Desktop. Durch ein einheitliches Betriebssystem haben die Benutzer die Freiheit, jedes beliebige Gerät zu wählen. Anwendungsentwickler erstellen Programme einmal, und sie werden je nach Benutzer und Gerät automatisch für eine optimale Nutzung angepasst. Desktop-Anwendungen können auf dem Telefon ausgeführt werden, und Telefonanwendungen können auf dem Desktop ausgeführt werden... mit nur einer Anwendung! Die Möglichkeiten sind aufregend, und die Zukunft der Informatik ist die Konvergenz!

Canonical begann mit Ubuntu Touch. Konvergenz war ein Traum, und jetzt ist sie auf dem Nexus 5 Realität!

Was ist Konvergenz?
Konvergenz ist eine einzige Benutzererfahrung, die sich auf alle Formfaktoren erstreckt und sich an die verschiedenen Nutzungskontexte anpasst. Das bedeutet, dass auf Telefonen, Tablets und Desktops genau dasselbe Betriebssystem und dieselben Anwendungen laufen. Dies wird durch die Verwendung reaktionsschneller Layouts erreicht, die sich an die verschiedenen Bildschirm- oder Fenstergrößen anpassen.

Die Konvergenz unterstützt alle Eingabetypen gleichermaßen und gleichzeitig, so dass die Benutzer mit einem Zeiger, einer Berührung oder einer Tastatur interagieren können, wann und wie immer sie wollen.

Warum haben wir der Konvergenz Priorität eingeräumt?
In den letzten zwanzig Jahren ist die Datenverarbeitung exponentiell schneller, billiger und energieeffizienter geworden. Infolgedessen verfügen Telefone unad Tablets heute über die Rechenleistung, um Aufgaben zu übernehmen, für die noch vor wenigen Jahren PC-Hardware erforderlich war. Die Grenzen zwischen den Formfaktoren verschwimmen; in Bezug auf die Hardware gibt es kaum noch Unterschiede zwischen einem Ultrabook mit Touchscreen und einem 12-Zoll-Tablett mit angeschlossener Tastatur.

Durch die Nutzung der Konvergenz durchbrechen wir die letzte Barriere zwischen Formfaktoren mit einem einzigen Betriebssystem und einem App-Ökosystem für alle verschiedenen Hardwaretypen. Dies ermöglicht neue Formen der Interaktion. So können Sie zum Beispiel während der Fahrt zur Arbeit eine E-Mail auf Ihrem Telefon entwerfen und dann, wenn Sie an Ihrem Schreibtisch ankommen, das Telefon an einen Monitor anschließen und dieselbe E-Mail in einer Desktop-Umgebung weiter verfassen.

Wie funktioniert das?
Es ist einfach. Indem Sie Ihr Ubuntu Touch-Mobilgerät an einem Bildschirm befestigen und eine Bluetooth-Tastatur/Maus koppeln, betreten Sie die Welt der Konvergenz und beginnen zu verstehen, was uns so begeistert hat. Mit der Konvergenz ist die Zukunft mobil!

UBports ist die Stiftung/Rechtspersönlichkeit, die hinter Projekten wie Ubuntu Touch steht. Das UBports-Projekt wurde 2015 von Marius Gripsgard gegründet, und der Programmier-Quellcode für das Projekt wurde dank der harten Arbeit vieler Freiwilliger aufgenommen und in die Freie-Software-Gemeinschaft aufgenommen, wo das Projekt nicht nur gewartet, sondern auch erweitert werden konnte. 

Wir freuen uns, sagen zu können, dass wir die erforderlichen Mitglieder gesammelt haben, um den Papierkram zur Gründung der UBports Foundation einzureichen. Dies ist ein wichtiger Schritt vorwärts in diesem Prozess. Unser Ziel ist es nach wie vor, die Stiftung bis Anfang nächsten Jahres fertig zu stellen. 

Die Mission der UBports Foundation besteht darin, die gemeinsame Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch zu unterstützen und die weitverbreitete Nutzung von Ubuntu Touch zu fördern. Sie wird den Benutzern ein Gremium zur Verfügung stellen, dem sie auf die Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch vertrauen können. Sie wird auch unsere Transparenz bei der Finanzierung, den Ausgaben und der Entscheidungsfindung verbessern.

Um mehr zu erfahren, schauen Sie sich die UBports Stiftung.

Unsere Ziele:

Helfen Sie mit und fördern Sie die kollaborative Software-Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch;

Förderung der Entwicklung von Ubuntu Touch und seiner Funktionen bei gleichzeitiger Koordinierung und Organisation der gemeinsamen Arbeit an der Software;

Unterstützen Sie die Gemeinschaft und verteidigen Sie gleichzeitig ihre Interessen und die Nachhaltigkeit ihrer Entwicklungen;

Förderung der Verwendung von Ubuntu Touch als Lösung für mobile Geräte;

Erleichterung von Synergien, Zusammenarbeit und Geldbeschaffungsmaßnahmen;

Aktiv an der Definition der Roadmaps für neue Versionen, Funktionen und deren Implementierung mitarbeiten.
From our recent developments of Project Sudoku, we've been able to change how we will handle our policy for the Legacy phones. In our original plan to bring our platform to 16.04, we were using systemd, which requires changes to a device's kernel to use versus Upstart. With Sudoku, we are continuing to use Upstart. This means that we can bring 16.04 to all of our currently supported devices.

We have begun creating 16.04 images for all supported devices. It is currently only for use by developers and testers and we welcome your contributions.

An excellent question. Going from 15.04 to 16.04 isn't easy, but it seems to be much easier than going from 15.04 to the (very early) 18.04. Similarly, rebuilding 15.04 sources on a 16.04 base isn't easy, but it is faster. Choosing the easier path means a faster release, which means we don't get left in the dust. Release early, release often.

The most stable version available for the core devices (Fairphone 2, OnePlus One, Nexus 5 and BQ M10 FHD) is 15.04. Soon 16.04 LTS will be released for these devices. The next version, 16.04 LTS, is under active heavy development and will be released shortly. For developers and testers interested in working on 16.04.

If you would like to follow along with the development of 16.04, see our progress.
We're working as fast as we can to get the images out there but currently do not have fixed dates. The Halium project is expected to signifcantly speed this process up. To track our progress, you can follow along at here.

With the success of Halium, our release time frame is expected to be significantly reduced and we will be able to push out new images much quicker. The Halium project will unify the Hardware Abstraction Layer and create a bridge between Android hardware and the Ubuntu Touch operating system. With a successful Halium project, UBports team will spend less time on Android device drivers and more time on Ubuntu Touch. That is what we like to call a Win–Win.
We need you! UBports is a welcoming community of like minded individuals interested in promoting Ubuntu Touch. If you are interested in Ubuntu Touch we would love to have you. Please vist our Get Involved and Welcome pages to find out more about Ubuntu Touch.

Ubuntu Touch works everywhere: Underwater, In space, or even in Canada. Your connectivity will depend on the device hardware and networks available in those locations though. Please see  devices  page for more information about frequency compatibility.

The Nexus 5, Fairphone 2 and Oneplus One offer the best experience and are used by many people as their Daily Drivers.
Core Devices are the Devices that will receive all the new features, critical security-updates and bug-fixes from UBports. These devices will soon be rebased on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Until then, the existing legacy image (based on 15.04) can be installed.

Fairphone 2

OnePlus One

Nexus 5


To find our most current and up to date list of devices
Yes! UBports will take over all devices and will continue delivering new features for the core devices. The older legacy devices will be maintained on life support and the actual work will happen in the non-legacy branch, but we will still provide critical security-updates and merge bug-fixes from the community. This way you will still be able to use your phone with Ubuntu Touch if you own one of the official devices, but the cool and shiny new features will probably only land in the non-legacy branch.

Due to the limitations of the closed Android device trees on the official BQ and Meizu products, we have no choice but to relegate them to the legacy branch. Without access to the device tree, this prevents us from fixing bugs in hardware enablement or adding new features dependent on the kernel.
Like everyone else, although we cannot be held legally liable for any problems that happen with the devices, we will always work diligently to resolve any issues as quickly as possible, should they arise. Just like you, we are passionate about every device working as smoothly as possible and we look forward to you helping us accomplish this.
We rely on Android kernel and drivers to make the phone work. This is the unfortunate reality of Android hardware.
Ubuntu operates under the GNU General Public License (GPL) and all of the application software installed by default is free software. In addition, Ubuntu installs some hardware drivers that are available only in binary format, but such packages are clearly marked in the restricted component.
It should just work, if for some reason it doesn't verify that your mobile broadband provider is part of /usr/share/mobile-broadband-provider-info/serviceproviders.xml.
Great question. We are excited about the Librem 5 phone and think it might be a great new Ubuntu Touch device. Time will tell what the final device will look like and we will analyze its capabilities as a future Ubuntu Touch device once the details are finalized.
There are many applications in the  OpenStore  that run on Ubuntu Touch. Some popular applications include: Telegram messenger, uMatriks, Podbird (audio shows), Dekko2 (email), Instagraph (instagram) and uNav. However, many of the apps that you know on Android/iOS might not exist yet. There is a project called  Anbox  that is working on allowing android apps to be run on Ubuntu Touch.
Anbox puts the Android operating system into a container, abstracts hardware access and integrates core system services into a GNU/Linux system. Every Android application will be integrated with your operating system like any other native application.

Installation instructions are now at UBports Docs

It is to be noted that Anbox currently works only on select devices (listed in the docus) running 16.04. Thus, it is meant only for testing by experienced users in its current state. Neither Anbox nor 16.04 are ready as a daily driver. Anbox requires a kernel change, which has not been completely tested yet. This is so that the "Android Binder" will work. Eventually there will be a "two-binder" system so that the Anbox and Ubuntu Touch parts don't interfere with each other.

Report any Anbox issues here.
In the OpenStore app running on Ubuntu Touch or browse online at the Ubuntu Touch Apps. The Ubuntu Store will be closing its doors at the end of 2017 and we will be working with developers to help migrate their apps over to the OpenStore.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.
A great place to chat and hang out with the community is our Telegram and Matrix groups.

Our Community Updates is the UBports channel which provides live updates directly from the lead developers about the current state of Ubuntu Touch. It is usually a fun and entertaining way to find out exactly what is happening behind the scenes. To find out when the next one will take place, follow us in Telegram, check out the forums or subscribe to the News Feed.

The Ubuntu Touch Audiocast is a less technical focus that is light, educational, entertaining.

And of course the Forums for a more permanent record of all things technical.
Please start by contacting us in our Telegram SuperGroup

To report any bugs and issues with Ubuntu Touch, go here and search you device code name. To report any bugs and issues with Ubuntu Touch, check out Ubuntu Touch Issues and search for your device code name. For proper documenting procedures and further details on bug reporting, follow our Issue Tracking Guidelines.

This new mode called Desktop mode, is what makes Ubuntu Touch so exciting and why the project has gained enormous support. This concept, following in the philosophy of Convergence, allows a mobile device to automatically transform into a desktop computer when attached to an external screen. Paired with a Bluetooh keyboard and mouse, the phone will have all the capability of Ubuntu for desktop, but will be running from your mobile device. The possibilities are groundbreaking and we are excited to continue developing this feature and look forward to expanding the possibilities.

Yes, if your phone is capable you will be able to run Ubuntu Touch on it's touch screen, but then dock it to an external screen, and be presented with the Desktop shell. This is the power of Convergence which the UBports team is excited to bring to your mobile devices.
Multiboot is not fun to maintain and we don't have time to do it. Some people have been able to get this working with kernel patches and recovery tricks, but it will kill OTA updates. We plan for Anbox to solve the Android problem.

Currently on the 15.04 code-base, the minimum specs for the Ubuntu Touch operating system are:

1 Ghz dual core Cortext A9

1 GB ram

OpenGL/ES supported graphics

8 GB storage

A snap is a self-contained package of libraries and run-times that provide all the necessary ingredients to allow an application to run. This allow the snap to be confined from the OS and other apps through security mechanisms but still allow communication with other snaps according to policies defined by the user. In addition, users have the ability to upgrade/downgrade applications without affecting the core OS or any other applications. This is game changing for GNU/Linux as it allows apps to be upgraded and modified worry free since it is possible to easily roll back to a previous state. Our goal is to support Snap packages on the M10 Tablets and Pro 5 device once the 16.04 update arrives. OS and Kernel patches will need modification and this is still a work in progress.
The internal memory of your Ubuntu Touch device can be expanded using a microSD card as long as your device has the hardware to support it. To begin using an SD card, simple insert it into your device until you hear a click which indicates its been inserted correctly. To remove the card, safely unmount the card using the External Drives app, then press in on the card to eject it.
UBports documentation is hosted here.

Community member Miguel has put together an amazing programming course. All documentation can be found here as well as in the UBports forum.
Marius Gripsgard

Ricardo Mendoza

Jan Sprinz

Members of the community
All of the required packages for the system are found in our metapackage.

The packages we build are also in the repo.
Halium is the collaborative project to unify the Hardware Abstraction Layer for projects which run GNU/Linux on mobile devices with pre-installed Android. What this means is quicker development and lanches of Ubuntu Touch on halium based android devices. None of our existing devices will run halium since it doesn't really make sense from a development stand point. Ubuntu Touch is being actively developed to run on vanilla Halium but isn't ready yet.
We don‘t have a GUI for this yet, but we should have the ability to encrypt the home folder using the terminal similar to how it‘s done on a regular install of Ubuntu.
There are multiple ways to present and offer them. Get in touch with us on Telegram or #ubports at Freenode to discuss.

You can also find information on our Get Involved page.

If you wish to submit new designs via github, you can start an issue and post images of your ideas.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.
Right now, you‘d do this by creating a UITK style, but we don‘t have terribly much information for this. It‘s possible that changes will come with 16.04, but we‘re not sure yet.
This was a design decision made by the developers at Canonical. The goal was to give Ubuntu Touch the longest possible battery life, sacrificing a bit of usability for it. For some apps there exists a special rule called life-cycle exception, and they are allowed to work in the background. For example the music player works with this exception. UBports is working on a concept that will relax these strict rules a bit for future releases.
Yes, we have considered it. We have decided that we will not offer hotfix releases unless an issue is both a regression and critically damages use of the phone. For example, if the radio on every Nexus 5 broke with a stable update, we would release a hotfix.

Other than that, we want to stick to our 6-8 week schedule of OTAs. 
Ubuntu Touch is the operating system that runs on the bare metal, so to speak, of the phone and is developed and maintained by UBports. Our software is designed to completely wipe off android, except for the bits to control camera, modem, gps, etc, and install a totally new and advanced OS.

Ubuntu for Android is an app created by Canonical for Android devices. The two projects are not related.
Ubuntu Touch currently targets the ARMv7 and above Application Processor family (Cortex A8, A9 and above).
We invite you to join our  Newcomers Room  where all of the friendly UBports Welcoming Team are ready to help. This is a special area to not only help with installation questions, but also to introduce yourself and get to know some other community members outside our main Supergroup. We understand that with 1000 members strong, you may not feel comfortable jumping right in, so we created a side area for introductions. If you would like to join the Ubuntu Touch community this is a great place to start.

If you have one of our supported devices, please see our  Get Ubuntu Touch  page.

Due to limited time and resources, we are not porting to new devices until the 16.04 rebase is finished.

Devices provides of list of our supported phones and tablets.

If you should want to get involved in porting, our documentation provides further information.
Ubuntu Installer is simple and easy to use.

Launch the downloaded AppImage and follow the instructions. Its that easy. Please contact us and let us know how it went!
Ubuntu Touch will now use the Ubuntu Installer instead of the MDT.

MDT tool can be found here.
In simple terms, adb is a way for your desktop computer and device to communitcate with each other through a USB cable. It is a tool that comes with android-tools-adb and android-tools-fastboot which is used by the Ubuntu Touch installer on a supported device.

If you are on Ubuntu 16.04 desktop computer, type the following commands in termainl: sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb android-tools-fastboot phablet-tools
It is an older installer that was a temporarily solution when UBports started and has been replaced by the UBports-Installer.
Our primary focus is on Ubuntu Touch for mobile phones and tablets at the moment. We have not yet produced an x86 build of Ubuntu Touch but compatibility will be provided later to support the converged device use case.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.
Please join and get in touch with someone in our UBlangs  Telegram  group to find out more.
UBlangs is our telegram group devoted to translating Ubuntu Touch and the applications that run on it.

Our Welcome Page has a list of current Telegram language groups. If you don't see your language listed, please contact us to see about setting it up.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.
On any device running Ubuntu Touch you can check out the OpenStore app to see all the apps available in the official UBports store. To browse the collection from a desktop computer, please see  uAppExplorer  for a current list of available apps.
We are working on it! We are happy to announce that Anbox is now available on our 16.04 Ubuntu Touch builds, but this is a work in progress.
We would like a lot more X11 apps to be avaible on Xenial. Xmir will make this a lot easier. The Libertine container was difficult to worth with, but we want it to work.
Check out our documentation for information on creating apps.
Brian Douglas has created Clickable to compile, build, and deploy Ubuntu Touch click packages all from the command line.
We've taken a fairly conservative stance on moving apps wholesale from the Canonical store into the OpenStore. We don't want to be stuck with a ton of apps that will never have any hope of being maintained again. Instead, we've been contacting and encouraging developers to move their apps on their own accord.

If you have any app that you just can't live without and the developer hasn't moved it yet, we encourage you to let them know that you love their app and want to see it continue.
Linuxbrew will provide more information.

Features Can install software to a home directory and so does not require sudo Install software not packaged by the native distribution Install up-to-date versions of software when the native distribution is old Use the same package manager to manage both your Mac and GNU/Linux machines
Our goal is to provide a single platform for app developers, which will allow a single codebase to run on all Ubuntu Touch devices. It is possible to use apt on your Ubuntu Touch device but it is only for developers as it will most certainly break future ota updates.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.
OK, so if you watched any of the YouTube live shows, then you know what this is about!

UBports is pronounced "You Be Ports" and Ubuntu is pronounced "Ooh boon too". UBports is not plural, never remove the S from the end.
Our documentation can be found at our  Read The Docs  page.