4. Bodies Overview

UBports Stichting

The formal bodies of the Foundation are: 

  • The Board of Directors (or "BoD"). The Foundation's Board of Directors is the main administration of the Foundation's projects and teams. Board members are the foundation's judicial and extra judicial representatives.

  • The Membership Committee (or "MC"). Mission of the MC is to administer membership applications and renewals and to oversee election of the BoD.

  • The Board of Trustees   (or "Members"). The Board of Trustees consists of all people actively contributing to the Foundation's projects. To be acknowledged as a member you need to meet the criteria defined in our statutes and apply for membership using our application form.

Other entities and officers:

There are some entities to help the BoD to further the foundation's projects, but not being formal bodies of the foundation:

  • The Advisory Board (or "AB") provides a forum for organizations providing a substantial minimum level of financial or other support as determined by the BoD, to meet with the BoD and provide advice. 

  • Supporting Members  are natural persons and legal bodies, who through their membership declare their support of the Association’s purposes and aims, while refraining from voting rights and the exertion of the active members’ right to participate in the general assemblies. Legal bodies chose a representative to exercise the remaining rights and duties.

  • Financial contributors  support the Association's purposes and aim primarily through financial or material contributions. If desired, their names will be published on the Association's website, and they have the right to participate in the general meetings. They do not have any voting rights.

The BoD may appoint officers for administration or daily business of the Foundation.

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